Step into the daylight and let it go.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

#4 Priblem Break

"I looked at her and the girl seemed carefree and happy. And I couldn’t remember when was the last time I felt that way."

I woke up today and found out that I had a new message from Felicia. She asked me to cheer up and decide whatever it was that I really wanted although it was a hard decision. She also told me that she would pray for me and that God would lead me to where He wanted me to go. I felt warm and replied her immediately to thank her.

The whole week had been a total disaster for me, and the only good news was that I was still breathing. I had always wished that my boring and dull life could be more dramatic. And the wish came true. And now I understood what they meant by beware what you wish for. Blood drained from my face when James told me that I got the JPA scholarship to UK. I couldn’t come to terms with what had happened and I phoned Jasmine immediately, and told her the news. I was completely freaked out by then. I tried so hard to hold back my tears but I failed miserably. The thought of leaving Adelaide made me shudder. I knew clearly in my heart that I could never survive another goodbye again.

I was late for almost every class and I felt really sorry for Michelle. I reckoned that of all the partners of Critical Thinking survey, she had got the worst one. As if the week had not been rough enough, I spilled a cup of coffee on the common room table and on my bag. I was so angry at my own clumsiness at that time. What the hell is wrong with you, I quipped to myself. Luckily, Michelle knew clearly what to do and informed the receptionist about it. Weechen, on the other hand, came into the toilet while I was washing the last drop of coffee out of my bag to see if I was fine. I couldn’t express how grateful I was by then to both of them. And I really wanted to thank God that I have found a lot of true friends here. Michelle and Jasmine gave me a long pep talk on whether to accept the scholarship or not. Jasmine was always there by my side through thick and thin and Michelle the pig suddenly became so wise when it came to giving advice. They told me to follow my own heart and to make a wise decision as it was about my own future. Jamie told me to take it easy and she scared that there would be less lame jokes after a lame guy left. Weechen and Alvin were always there for me as usual. Huiren pleaded me to stay. Eugenie who nicknamed me fugly monkey said that although I was always mean and bad to her, she would still feel sad. Azizul and Chiew on the other hand asked me if I was still emo. All the friends from BP-Hope Church especially Felicia, Cong, Marion, Sarah, and Shu Ai were also very concerned and gave me some useful advice. In the Angel/Mortal box, I received a lolly from my angel. Although I didn't know who was my angel, I was still touched. Of course, Fatty fat, Huien, Joolin, Yvonne, Yuxin, Zixian, CC, CCY, Chaoyang, Jiji and my same age bro Mingwei were always so supportive and I was much obliged to them.

To get my mind off everything, I decided to go swimming and have a spa with Huiren and Weechen although Granpa told me not to. I guessed the best part of being far away from home was that you could filter out all the bad things you have done and just tell your family what you wanted them to know. I wished I could spend the rest of my life in the spa as it was so relaxing and warm especially in this winter time, and it made me forget all my problems. Then, we went to China Town to have our lunch and we were joined by Han and Careena. Careena was her usual self, always smiling no matter what happened. I looked at her and the girl seemed carefree and happy. And I couldn’t remember when was the last time I felt that way. Since we wanted to have Tofu and soup, Careena suggested that we could order the Tofu soup. It had too much pepper added to it but overall it was still nice. After enjoying a lovely meal, Huiren, Weechen, Careena and I unanimously agreed to go shopping at Rundle Mall. We went to a few shops before we came to FCUK and I found a nice reckoner jacket that suited me quite well. I decided to buy it eventually and Huiren bought a shirt too. Careena was very helpful and be our shopping advisor as she clearly knew which style suited us the best. At the end of the day, the original plan of studying in the library was aborted. However, I was still very happy to get to hang out with them.

This week although started off badly but ended quite nice. I really appreciated all the innumerable kindness that all my friends had given me. The next week would be super busy and the challenge has just begun. I hope that I can break free from all the problems next week as I had this week. Fight mode ON!


Jas said...

Welcome back telescope....n mind u, problem is spelt with an O...

eugenie said...

fugly monkey,
Glad u did stay^^, and once again S.O.R.R.Y for the Coffee thing, slept like SORRY again =(

joker said...

we will always stand by ur side ^^...friends forever~

Mimitella said...

Haha, thanks guys.