Step into the daylight and let it go.

Monday, February 2, 2015

#4.23 If This Was A Movie

"They might not have the best review, originality or storyline but I loved each of them to bits. =P "

Today, I had decided to break free from the tradition of writing posts about my current life. Instead, I would love to talk about something special. That something special, being no other than my top ten favourite movies (not arranged in any order)! They were not the types of films that held ratings of 100% on Rotten Tomatoes but they were exactly my kind of movies. 

Whenever that I was free or moody or bored, I would watch back a few of my favourite movies and kinda love to force someone to watch them with me as well. To me, these ten movies were timeless and I could just keep watching them over and over again.

1) Forrest Gump

This critically-acclaimed and tear-jerking movie easily stood as one of my favourite films of all time. On top of the famous "Life is a box of chocolates" quote, the way Forrest dealt and strived in the face of adversity in his own unique perspective and a mother's unconditional love for her child never failed to move me. Also, I loved, loved and loved the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company part of the story!

My first favourite scene.

My second favourite scene.

2) The Lizzie Mcguire Movie

First of all, it's a Hilary Duff movie. Second of all, when I first watched it years ago, it made me feel like flying to Rome, like immediately. Now, all the memories that I had about Rome were bad weather (combining all of our umbrellas together like a scene in 小时代:悲惨时代) and closure of the fountain! =( 

Third of all, it was way better than most of the following Disney Tv Series. The animated alter ego, songs, moral values and lessons made me keep re-watching it every now and then.

I've got somewhere I belong
I've got somebody to love
This is what dreams are made of

3) A Cinderella Story

It might have a very cheesy storyline but it never failed to cheer me up whenever I was down because of all the heart-warming and funny scenes, especially the ones involving the evil step-sisters! Who would forget the movie's most important advice: Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game. 

To be honest, the soundtrack was the main reason that this movie made it into the list. Every song (almost) was an absolute masterpiece, with half of them being perfect to be chosen as wedding songs, particularly "I'll Be ". The only downside was that the song "Hear You Me" by Jimmy Eat World featured in the movie was not included in the soundtrack. And yes, this was another Hilary Duff movie!

The classic part of the movie!

4) Mamma Mia

A lot of people hated this movie because of the singing part but I never did! In fact, I personally thought that this light-hearted musical film was brilliant as it could always make me laugh, feel like dancing and not to mention put me in a very good mood. 

The characters that I loved most would be no other than Aunty Rosie and Aunty Tanya! They were damn funny to say the least and their happy-go-lucky style never failed to make me chuckle! Besides that, I loved almost every ABBA songs so I might be very biased, but I could not have cared less about what everyone else was saying.

The scene that I hearted the most featuring Rosie and Tanya!

5) Hairspray

Another musical film that I loved very much! This feel-good movie made me believe that anyone could go anywhere and achieve anything that they wanted no matter who they were, where they were from and how they looked. Important values: Stop comparing yourself to everyone and never, ever let anyone's opinion about you put you down. Plus, I could never get tired of all the songs with such irresistible sick beats!

And so I'm gonna shake and shimmy it the best that I can today!

6) Confessions Of A Shopaholic

Funny, funny and funny. But most importantly, the film taught me that it would always be possible that one could turn his or her own life around no matter how bad the situation had got. Plus, be true to yourself and sometimes courage was all you need to go through all the difficulties in life. A little bit of shopping probably wouldn't hurt much either. =P

I saw myself in this scene!

7) Jurassic Park Series

I would never forget how thrilled I was when I watched the second instalment of the series with my family in the cinema. Stubbornly, I insisted that they would have to bring me back to the cinema to watch it again (which they did) as I stupidly thought that movies were just like Tv shows, that cinemas would play the next episode of the movie on the very next day. 

Dinosaurs had always been my thing since forever, and I still missed all my dinosaur toys and books (tonnes of them) that my parents bought me when I was young! Luckily for me, the fourth instalment was coming soon after waiting "patiently" for such a long time!

Please, let it be good!

8) Wall-E

Its simplicity and the presence of few dialogues made it one of the most beautiful movies ever made. That was really all that I had to say. =)

Space dancing was way too beautiful!

9) Brave

Most people loved Frozen but I preferred Brave because in my opinion, it was clearly a much better story than Frozen. First of all, Merida had a strong, free and independent soul and was never afraid to challenge whatever that she thought was wrong. 

Second of all, there was no prince in this movie. Third of all, the love shown by Merida's family for one another was so strong despite having different views and stands. Lastly, the three cute little bears were good enough reasons for me to keep pressing the re-watch button repeatedly!

I will hear their every story
Take hold of my own dream
Be as strong as the seas are stormy
And proud as an eagle's screams.

10) Enchanted

No-brainer. Every line kept reminding me that the most precious things that we needed were right beside us all the time but we're either too blind or busy or proud to actually see them as we had always taken them for granted. 

Also, usually we're the ones who always wanted to make life complicated instead of taking our time to appreciate the beautiful people and good things around us. On top of that, it helped to keep me grounded and focused on chasing after what's important in life.

The park singing scene that I was madly in love with.

All in all, I just could not resist happy, upbeat and inspiring films that could make me smile after a long, tiring or bad day. 

Until next time then. XOXO. =)

Heartbeat Song - Kelly Clarkson