Exactly my kind of perfect drama. No cheesy lines. No pity stupid innocent-looking girl desperately marrying a rich guy (at least, not the protagonist). Real-life touching. Smart-funny scenes. No impossibly ridiculous lovey-dovey-mushy-gushy moments. Nice songs. And most importantly lots and lots of valuable lessons.
Of all people, I love her the most. A misunderstood gurl that tries her best to be mean and covers all her good side.
Favourite quote:
"你恨我?你凭什么恨我?你他妈凭什么恨我?你不敢带我回家,跟你爸妈说, 对,这个女孩她爸爸是个赌鬼,她妈妈早就跟人家跑了,她除了一身的麻烦之外,什么都没有,但,我就是爱她,我就是要她。你敢讲吗?你去讲啊?"
And the most important lesson: Forgive those that you have decided to give up your hopes on, but don't ever look back.
Now I totally forgive my mum for talking about this series in the phone for hours.