"I had been waiting for this night since the album was out but it seemed to be posing a little bit of trouble due to its date being so close to the exam. However, it was a night well-spent with no regret. =) "
The down part of the Prismatic World Tour was that it was just a few days ahead of our dispensing exam, but the good part was that it was totally worth it. I knew I shouldn't have complained as it could have been fallen on the night right before the exam. We bought the tickets about half a year ago and I was so lucky and thankful that she chose to start her tour right here in the UK instead of in the US or I would have needed to wait for at least 6 months more. My patience couldn't and wouldn't have lasted that long. =P
Stephanie, CH and I purposely departed late at 6.30pm to get to the city as we knew for sure that the concert would definitely start late. However, what we didn't expect was that due to some technical problems, it started so late that we could even make it even if we took the 8.30pm bus. Icona Pop was the opening act of the night. Their last song was no doubt the song I wanted to shout out to the most recent camp that I had attended.
Due to the technical problems, we had plenty of time to take selfies while waiting for the concert to start. |
You're so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch You're from the 70's, but I'm a 90's bitch! |
The show started with the "Prismatic Section" full of self-empowerment anthems with Katy Perry emerging from the futuristic-designed pyramid. The opening song "Roar" was indeed the perfect choice to start off the whole event. Frankly, I kinda felt a little bit sorry for Icona Pop considering the incredible difference in the amount of response given by the audiences. They sounded great too! Also, I was happy and sad at the same time when she performed my favourite song "This Moment" from the new album because she only sang half of it. However, I guessed I could only comfort myself that it was still a lot better than nothing at all. =)
You're gonna hear me roar Louder, louder than a LION. |
You took my light, you drained me down But that was then and this is now. |
I picked up every piece And landed on my feet Need nothing to complete myself. |
Baby don't blink and miss. |
So now I don't negotiate with insecurities They are gonna have to take a backseat. |
The next two sections featured the Eygyptian and Cat-Oure themes, which came with a mechanical horse, big-butt sexy zombies, cats, a rat with cheese and ridiculously cute-looking animals. The show literally offered so many things to look at so it was easy to miss a thing or two every now and then. You had to focus on Katy Perry, on the neon Spartan soldiers, on the giant balloon bottles, on the guitarists that spewed out fire, on the brilliant acrobatic dancers hanging dangerously yet gracefully halfway in the air and the ever-changing triangular screen on the stage, all at the same time.
She's sweet as pie but if you break her heart She'll turn cold as a freezer. |
It's supernatural, extraterrestrial. |
Say my name like a scripture, Keep my heart beating like drum. |
Go inside for your finest inspiration Your dreams will open the door. |
Surprisingly, the "Acoustic Section" was the best section and definitely the highlight of the night. Her greatest performance of the night was no other than "By The Grace of God", which she delivered with such powerful vocals and emotions. After that, she got a big surprise for us and her mother when she called her mum in California on stage in front of everyone to wish her Happy Mother's Day. Her mum even disclosed some family information about someone getting pregnant until Katy Perry had to stop her and told her that she was on speaker phone and that everyone was listening as well.
By the grace of God I picked myself back up I put one foot in front of the other and I looked in front of the mirror and decided to stay. |
They say one man's trash is another man's treasure. Secretly, I hit the lottery Caz you're brighter than all of the Northern Lights. |
Acceptance is the key to be To be truly free. |
I'm walking on air (tonight) I'm walking on air. |
It take two, two sides to every story. I had to grow up, I wish you could too. |
Think we kissed but I forgot. |
You think I'm funny when I tell the punchline wrong I know you get me So I let my walls come down. |
It's time to bring out the big, big, big, big, big, big balloons. |
Maybe you're the reason why all the doors are closed So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road. |
The end after the encore. |
Even though we didn't get the big, big, big balloons due to technical issues, which to be honest was indeed kinda sad, it was still definitely a fun night to remember for a long time to come. =)
Fancy - Iggy Azalea